22 research outputs found

    Legal Due Diligence and Virtual Law Office Services

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    The study of Legal Due Diligence and Virtual Law Office Services illustrates that legal due diligence in the operational dimension is a legal compliance review activity. Deontology sees justice playing this role in the commonly used terminology of Kantian's is a categorical imperative based on the principle of universalizability that greatly affects the development of the need for legal due diligence. Legal due diligence as a legal compliance review, is a means to examine legal compliance and morally accountable standards for compliance with laws and regulations relating to corporate governance activities. Utilitarians see benevolence as the central moral virtue, and legal compliance review is implemented to minimize the potential legal problems that may affect the director and/or the corporation itself. Thus, legal due diligence is as the application of the rule utilitarianism theory, which means that a business activity, to be considered as good and based on juridical morals, must be seen from the perspective of the corporate's compliance to run its business activities for the benefit of the public. Furthermore, the factors that encourage the development of legal due diligence is the implementation of disclosure principle and materiality principle. The implementation of disclosure principle and materiality principle itself is driven by the change of doctrine of caveat emptor into caveat venditor. The change of doctrine aims to minimize the practice of fraud which became the main cause of the U.S. stock market crash (great depression) in 1929. In addition, the shift of corporate governance model from contractarian approach or shareholder approach into the company as corporate citizenship or team production is also a factor that encourages the development of legal due diligence. Keywords: Virtual Law Office,  Legal Services, Legal Due Diligenc

    Legal Compliance in Legal Due Diligence Practices

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    In conducting legal due diligence practices, legal consultants have obligations and duty of prudence based on the principles of disclosure and materiality. Compliance with all provisions in the capital market is a fundamental necessity so that legal consultants do not give misrepresentation or omission of material facts.Legal due diligence conducted by the legal consultants is a review of the Duty to Obey the Law or the Legal Compliance of a company. The Duty to Obey the Law tends to be based on impartial Natural Moral Duties. The impartial legal values such as justice and happiness are the core values of the individual's obligation to obey the law. This is in line with the independent and objective attitude of legal consultants in carrying out their profession. Keywords: Legal Due Diligence, Legal Compliance, Natural Moral Duties

    The Independence of the Business Competition Court from the Perspective of Law Enforcement System in Indonesia

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    Fair competition law enforcement on business competition issues in Indonesia is very important to ensure the situation of conducive business competition and the enforcement in Law Number 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, therefore the Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition of the Republic of Indonesia (KPPU) is actively involved in issuing related regulations with law enforcement procedures on business competition cases in Indonesia, which is through KPPU Regulation Number 1 of 2010 on Procedures for Case Handling. The judicial system of the business competition court in Indonesia can not be separated from the role of the KPPU as an institution that has the function of regulating and supervising competition behaviour, whether using prohibited activity patterns or agreements. In the context of law enforcement on business competition cases, KPPU has the authority from performing investigations to examining and deciding the competition cases in judicial institutions held by KPPU. Observing the main function of KPPU as a supervisory institution and situation regulator of the business competition in Indonesia, the authority of KPPU that perform investigations to judge business competition cases certainly is not an issue that needs to be debated. However, from the perspective of the justice system in Indonesia, KPPU’s authority in conducting investigations, examining, and deciding cases is a matter that needs to be studied more deeply, specifically regarding the guarantee of justice sense for business actors who are positioned as Reported Party. Keywords: Independence, Business Competition Court, Law Enforcement DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/102-07 Publication date:October 31st 202

    The Principally of the Obligations of Legal Consultant’s as a Capital Market Supporting Profession in the Preparation of Independent Legal Due Diligence

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    The obligation of a legal consultant as a capital market supporting profession regulated in article 67 of Law Number 8 of 1995 on the Capital Market is “to provide an independent opinion or assessment”. When alignment with the Advocate Law, the formulation of the article contradicts the pricinple of an advocate in providing legal services as stipulated in Article 1 point 2 in Law Number 18 of 2003 on Advocates, that “an advocate takes legal action for the client’s legal interest”. Thus, this contradiction serves as the background of the following problem formulations proposed: (1) The principally of the obligations of legal consultant’s as a capital market supporting profession in the preparation of independent legal due diligence; (2) Legal due diligence as an independent opinion of a legal consultant to provide legal protection for investors. The two problem formulations were analyzed using normative legal research method, a research method to identify legal concepts and principles related to legal regulation in the capital market. After conducting a juridical, theoretical, and philosophical analysis, the findings obtained were: (1) The principally of the obligations of legal consultant’s as a capital market supporting profession in the preparation of independent legal due diligence is manifested through an independent attitude, meaning that it is not controlled, not affiliated, no conflict of interest, and no partial element with service users. (2) Since the legal relationship between the legal consultant and service users is bound by an agreement, the parties have built their respective internal legal protections. Although this legal relationship can be categorized as an internal legal protection effort based on the privity of contract, it must also pay attention to the legislation, customs, and propriety that develop (heteronomous elements). Keywords: Legal Due Diligence, Independent, Internal Legal Protection DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/101-02 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Re-orientation the Teaching of High Legal Education in Indonesia Study in Law Faculty of Wijaya Putra University

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    The debate of the school about characteristics of legal science and dichotomy of community of Legal Scholars and Legal Praxis in the context of the implementation of law in Indonesia is not yet accomplished, while in Europe and America has developed new paradigm about Lawyer based on Law Practice Management and Law Practice Technology. The development occurred rapidly and massively thus effect fundamentally towards law service industry and teaching model in law faculty. Based on that explanation, Law faculty in Wijaya Putra University has formulated two teaching models which are oriented to create Legal Scholars and Legal Praxis for the graduates, Consequently, team was formulated to develop curriculum, teaching materials, and laboratory to realize it.  Teaching model which orientated to creating Legal Praxis is designed by reinforcing learning materials Law Practice Management dan Law Practice Technology through Virtual Law Office. It is highly hoped by designing the curriculum, teaching materials and information technology, it can trigger the quality of learning prosess and laboratory in Law faculty of Wijaya Putra University. Keywords: Law Practice Management dan Technology, Virtual Law Office, Legal Praxi

    Knowledge Management of Technology Development for Advocate

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    This research was conducted with the support of Research And Community Service Directorate (Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), Deputy for Research and Development Reinforcement, Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research And Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia, through the Applied Research Grant, Fiscal Year of 2020. Abstract Advocate is a profession based on knowledge as a commodity which is exchanged for services and has economic value. Advocate as one of legal professions must continue to develop its professional abilities in a sustainable manner. However, in this digital era, besides of having knowledge about legal field, an advocate needs to cognize to the development of information technology. The information technology today has become the part of social life, including in judicial system process. This research uses a normative legal method with the statute and conceptual approach. This research aims to map the need for Knowledge Management Technology development that must be developed by an advocate as an effective and efficient legal delivery process. The result of this research indicates that to anticipate changes to demands for efficiency and encouragement of regulations related to the use of information technology in the judicial system of both private and public law, advocates must develop information technology as the basis for the legal process. The stages of development begin with the arrangement of Knowledge Management Systems by considering the Advocate’s characteristics. From the framework of Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Management Technology can be developed to meet the needs of advocates in providing legal services based on information technology. Keywords: Advocate, Knowledge Management Systems, Knowledge Management Technology. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/102-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Expert System Development for Law Firm Using Information and Communication Technology in Indonesia

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    Information technology has changed the order of business and industry, including the legal services industry. This change requires law firms to be more creative and innovative in implementing legal processes in the development of information and communications technologies. To survive, a law firm cannot rely on its strengths in reputation and service quality only but also needs to consider the strength in using technology tools. The purpose of this study is to map the need for expert system development in law firms as an effort to deliver an effective and efficient legal process. The method used in this research was the normative legal method with a statute approach and conceptual approach. The results of this study were expected to provide an overview of the modern law firm structure model based on information technology. The results of the study showed that to anticipate changes to the demand for efficiency and the encouragement of regulations related to the use of information technology both in the judicial system and in registration statement processing procedures a law firm must adapt and develop information technology as the basis for the legal process. The stages of development begin with the development of Knowledge Management Technology based on Knowledge Management Systems. The next stage is the development of expert systems in the form of diagnostic systems, planning systems, procedural systems, intelligent checklists, document modelling systems, and argument generation systems. Keywords: Law firm; ICT; legal services industr

    Pengaruh Pola Latihan Kombinasi Burpee dan Banded Barbell Squat Jumps Terhadap Tinggi Lompatan dalam Permainan Bola Voli Usia 19-24 Tahun di Karang Taruna Gunungsari

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) perbedaan tinggi lompatan saat sebelum melakukan pola latihan dan sesudah melakukan pola latihan dalam  permainan bola voli usia 19-24 tahun di karang taruna gunungsari desa bangunsari, (2) pengaruh pola latihan kombinasi burpee dan bunded barbell squat jumps terhadap tinggi lompatan dalam usia 19-24 tahun di karang taruna gunungsari desa Bangunsari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan metode pre eksperimental design. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pre test post test design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pemain voli umur 19-24 Tahun di karang taruna gunungsari desa bangunsari. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 20 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes tinggi raihan dan lompatan yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah treatment. Teknis analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) raihan tinggi lompatan pemain umur 19-24 tahun di karang taruna gunungsari desa bangunsari setelah mendapatkan perlakuan memiliki pengaruh terhadap tinggi lompatan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan data pre-test tinggi lompatan dari 20 responden menunjukkan skor terendah 109 cm, skor tertinggi 141 cm, dan rata-rata 131,3 cm. Sedangkan data post-test diperoleh skor terendah 116 cm, skor tertinggi 148 cm, dan rata-rata 137 cm. (2) latihan burpee dan banded barbell squat jumps memberikan peningkatan kemampuan tinggi lompatan pemain umur 19-24 tahun di karang taruna gunungsari desa bangunsari. Uji hipotesis nilai t hitung sebesar -26.045 (sig, 0,000) nilai t hitung pada masing-masing variabel independent di bawah 0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variabel dependent.   Kata Kunci: Burpee, Banded Barbell Squat Jumps, Tinggi Lompatan. &nbsp

    The Shifting of the Law Firm Business Model in the Disruption Era

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    The flow of globalization, liberalization and the development of information technology must be anticipated by every law firm. Especially with the massive development of information technology where such condition is often referred to as the disruption era.  It means that the development of information technology in an industry has the potential to replace old players with new ones. In the disruption era, old physical technology will be replaced with digital technology that produces something that is completely new, more efficient and also more useful. In the management of law firm, there are at least two areas of innovation that must be developed: legal service and legal process. To realize an effective and efficient legal process there are two steps that can be taken, the development of Knowledge Management Systems and Knowledge Management Technology.In the perspective of the law firm business model in the era of disruption, in addition to developing legal processes in the form of Client Portal, Information System and Virtual Data Room, it is also necessary to develop electronic document and records management systems (“EDRMS”). The EDRMS development is also carried out to anticipate the application of Case Administration in the Electronic Court (e-Court) which was imposed based on the Republic of Indonesia Supreme Court Regulation No. 3 of 2018. Keywords: Business Model, Law Firm, Disruption Era DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/89-15 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Modifikasi Perencanaan Gedung Kampus Stikom Surabaya Dengan Daktilitas Penuh

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    Gedung Kampus ST/KOM merupakan sebuah gedung pendidikan yang rerlewk eli jalan Wonorejo Rungkur Surabaya. Gedung ini rerdiri dari 9 lanrai kuliah ditambah lantai Auditorium dengan mamakai atop baja. Di dalam tugas akhir ini akan direncanakan ulang dan dimodifilwsi muktur gedung kampus STIKOM dengan judul tugas akhir "Mod!fikasi Perencanaan Gedung Kampus STIKOM Surabaya dengan Daktilitas Penuh". Tugas Akhir ini dihatasi pada perencanaan struktur saja. Perencanaan melipwi perencanaan struktur utama yang terdiri dari : perencanaan halok induk. perencanaan kolom. perencanaan shean•'G/1, dan perencanaan pondasi. Selain itu juga direncanakan unsur-unsur sekunder yaitu perencanaan pelat. perencanaan tangga,perencanaan balak anak dan perencanaan atap baja. Sedangkan umuk perencanaan terhadap gempa, srrulaur ini menggunakan konsep perencanaan dengan metode disain kapasitas (dalailitas tiga!penuh). Adapun pengerrian dari ringkat dalailitas riga (daklilitas penuh) adalah srruktur beton dipropor.1ikan sedemikian rupa sehingga penyelesaian detail khusus a/am memungkinkan suatu strukrur memherikan respon inelasris rerhadap heban sikli.\ yang hekerja dan mampu menjumin pengembangan mekanisme sendi plaslis dengan la1pasitas disipasi energi yang diper/ukan tanpa mengalami keruntuhun. Beban rancang lateral dasar yang ditetapkan dalam PPTGJUG '83 horus diperhitungkan dengan .fa/aor K - I. Metode perencanaannya disebu1 Perencanaan Disain Kapasitas (capacity design) dengan prinsip strong column - 11 eak beam. Untuk memperoleh gaya-gaya do/am pada struklur ini digunakan hanruan program SAP90 untuk ana/isa srruklur utama. Sebagai akhir penulisan ini. semua hasil perhitungan dan perencanaan kemudian diwangkan da/am bemuk gambar